Organization / Governing Bodies
According to the Bylaws of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Vila Real, the governing bodies of the Brotherhood are the General Assembly, the Administrative Board and the Supervisory Board, also called Definitory.
General Assembly
The General Assembly consists of all the brothers enrolled for at least three months, with their quotas up to date and that aren’t suspended, and it’s supervised by its board, which is composed of a president, a first secretary and second secretary. It has the responsibility, among other prerogatives, for the definition of the main guidelines of the Brotherhood, for the election of both the members of its Board and most members of the Administrative and Supervisory Boards, and for the evaluation and voting of the annual budget and program for the following year as well as the activity and accounts report of the previous year.
President: Pedro Chagas Ramos
1st Secretary: Carlos Alberto da Costa Almeida
2nd Secretary: Eduardo Baptista da Silva
1st Substitute: Euclides António de Almeida
2nd Substitute: Sílvio Joaquim Ferreira Teixeira
Administrative Board
The Administrative Board is composed of seven members: the provedor, the vice-provedor, the secretary, the treasurer and three voting members. The Administrative Bureau manages and represents the Institution, and it must ensure the effectiveness of the rights of all Brothers; it annually prepares and submit to the opinion of the Supervisory Board the activities report and management accounts, as well as the budget and program for the following year; it ensures the organization and functioning of all services, besides hiring and managing the staff working for the Institution; it represents the Brotherhood in court or outside, and ensures the compliance with the law, the Bylaws and the deliberations of the other Governing Bodies.
Provedor: Padre José Joaquim Dias Gomes
Vice-provedor: Hélder Augusto Gonçalves de Oliveira
Treasurer: Victor Manuel Gonçalves dos Santos
Secretary: Amílcar Alexandre Carneiro Pereira Marcelino
1st Member: Maria Júlia Rocha Monteiro Madeira Pinto
2nd Member: Manuel Luís Pereira Oliveira Brochado
3rd Member: Glória Maria Pereira Peixoto
1st Substitute: Lázaro Alfredo Alves
2nd Substitute: Joaquim Carlos Barros de Mesquita
3rd Substitute: Jorge Armando Pinto Montenegro Machado
4th Substitute: Carlos Eduardo Teixeira
Supervisory Board / Definitory
The Supervisory Board comprises three members, including a president and two voting members. It is responsible for monitoring the compliance with the law and the Bylaws, by supervising the records and documents of the Institution, whenever it sees fit; by watching or being represented by one of its members at the meetings of the Administrative Board, whenever it sees fit; and to issue an opinion on the activities report, accounts and budgets and on all matters that the Administrative Board submits to it.
President: Daniel Abílio Ferreira Bastos
Member: José Rogério Pereira Fernandes
Member: Alfredo José Branco Ribeiro
1st Substitute: Aníbal César Fonseca Pinto da Mota
2nd Substitute: Óscar Monteiro Ferreira