The Divine Providence Hospital
Hospital assistance was not an initial priority for the Misericórdias, much less an obligation, as they merely supported the sick people wishing to be treated in local hospitals. However, during the second half of the 16th century, tens of Misericórdias eventually incorporated existing hospitals.
This did not happen with the Misericórdia of Vila Real, although in the town existed, at least since the 14th century, the Hospital of St. Blaise. On the contrary, the Misericórdia, in the 16th century, made a deal with the administrator of the Hospital of St. Blaise, João Teixeira de Azevedo, in order for the hospital to admit the poor sick people sent by the Brotherhood.
It was only in 1796 that the Misericórdia of Vila Real rented part of a house in a street near its headquarters, for finally settling its own Hospital, meanwhile named Divine Providence Hospital.